Friend or Foe? Nitrous Oxide According to Dr. Mona Beylin


Is nitrous oxide really safe to use for your child’s dental care? Parents are vigilant. And rightfully so. As the parent, you are your child’s first (and sometimes only) defense against harmful substances, experiences, and people. So naturally, parents have questions about any substance that is going into their child’s system. Take nitrous oxide for […]

Snack Smart: Local Pediatric Dentists Give Healthy Snacking Tips


Not sure how much sugar is too much for your child’s teeth?  Check out these trusted tips from Kangaroo Smiles! We all know that it’s recommended to limit your child’s sugar intake. Most of us may think that simply means not allowing them to eat their entire bag of Halloween candy all in one sitting. […]

Are my child’s baby teeth important?


So your pediatrician has suggested that you take your 1 year old to the dentist for a check up and I’m sure you thought, seriously, “Are my child’s baby teeth important?”. They’re just temporary, they just help my little person eat and say incredibly cute things, but the baby teeth can’t be that important can […]

How do I get my child to brush their teeth?


How do I get my child to brush his teeth? This is often a parental struggle. Just like bedtime routines and eating vegetables, sometimes tooth brushing can be an activity that sparks children to put up a fight. But a solid tooth-brushing regimen is so important. You can try things like: making a game out […]

Children with Special Needs

Our Process for Children with Special Needs We are trained to work with everyone! Dr. Mona and our wonderful team have been trained to work with your child no matter what his or her needs may be. We have obtained extensive training and have the experience, patience, and knowledge to help your children through all of […]

How much juice should my kids drink every day?


We all know that New England is THE BEST place for fall apple picking! Your local farm or orchard will bring your family much joy with juicy, right-off-the-tree apples. Where else can you go on an adventure where the treat is fruit and the kids rejoice? But did you know that apples account for 18.9% […]